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Lightswitch HTML - disabling the CTRL + S functionality

It turns out then when you have an Add/Edit screen open (dialog or full), that you can hit CTRL + S to save the screen. This avoids all validation I have coded, and also does not matter if I have disabled Lightswitch's own save button. How can I disable this?

on a browse or view screen, this does not occur and the user is only able to save there web page


  • One option to disable the Ctrl+S is to remove the msls-save-button css class from your screen's save button. This can be done in your screen's created method as follows:

    myapp.AddEditScreen.created = function (screen) {
        $(window).one("pagechange", function (e, data) {
            var $page = $("#" + screen.details._pageId);
            var $button = $page.find(".msls-save-button");

    The jQuery mobile pagechange handler is needed to ensure that your screen is rendered (and _pageId is defined) as covered in my answer to the following post:

    LightSwitch Tabbed screen in Browse template

    This approach does the trick because the LightSwitch msls library executes the vclick against the commit button by matching either the msls-save-button or msls-ok-button classes. Therefore, if the msls-save-button class is removed, the vclick cannot be triggered and in essence the Ctrl+S is ignored.

    The following lists the msls library function which handles the short-cut keys (the msls-save-button vclick handling is covered at the end of the function):

    function _handleScreenKeyboardShortCuts($page, navigationUnit) {
        var buttonsNeeded = navigationUnit._buttonsNeeded,
        if (!buttonsNeeded) {
        showCancel = buttonsNeeded.showSaveDiscard ||
        if (!(showCancel || buttonsNeeded.showOk)) {
        $page.keydown(function (e) {
            if (msls_shell._currentNavigationOperation ||
                $ {
            if (showCancel && _isCancelShortCutKey(e)) {
                return false;
            } else if (_isCommitShortCutKey(e)) {
                return false;