If change detection strategy is set to onPush then if component attributes change then only component should be re-rendered.
Here is an example code:
var SampleComponent1 = ng.core.Component({
selector: "sampleone",
template: "{{value}}",
viewProviders: [ng.core.ChangeDetectorRef],
changeDetection: ng.core.ChangeDetectionStrategy.onPush
constructor: [ng.core.ChangeDetectorRef, function(cd){
this.cd = cd;
ngOnInit: function(){
this.value = 1;
}.bind(this), 2000)
var App = ng.core.Component({
selector: "app",
directives: [SampleComponent1],
template: "<sampleone ></sampleone>"
constructor: function(){
Here even if attribute doesn't change the template is rendered? Is this a bug or I misunderstood onPush?
It isn't a bug. You made a mistake:
changeDetection: ng.core.ChangeDetectionStrategy.onPush
OnPush instead onPush