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How can I set up a local SSL certificate and a Rails application?

This might be a two-in-one question.

  1. I have a Rails application for home/hobby usage, hosted on a Raspberry Pi and I was wondering if it's possible to create a local SSL certificate for it and setup Rails to use it?

  2. If yes, how can I setup my Rails/Puma/Foreman/Ubuntu application? For now, I am running the application with Foreman, by using a Procfile:

    web: bundle exec puma -t 8:8 -p 3000
    worker: bundle exec sidekiq
    clock: bundle exec clockwork config/clock.rb


    1. Yes you can. Here is a gist explaining the process:

    1. My procfile contains an entry that looks like this:

      server: rails server puma -b 'ssl://'

    This seems to work for me. I also set

    config.force_ssl = true 

    in config/application.rb

    I gathered info about it from all these places: