In Listview, I have popping up 100's of items using "delegate", assume that, listview already displayed populated value. Now I would like to extract already displayed values in QML List view from C++. How to achieve this? Note: I can not access datamodel directly, since I am doing filtration in delegate using hidden variable
/*This is not working code, Please note,
delegate will not display all model data.*/
//Can I access by using given approach?
QObject * object = m_qmlengine->rootObjects().at(0)->findChild<QObject* >("listview");
//Find objects
const QListObject& lists = object->children();
//0 to count maximum
//read the first property
QVarient value = QQmlProperty::read(lists[0],"text");
You can search for a specific item in QML with the objectName
property. Let's take a look at a simple QML file:
Window {
width: 1024; height: 768; visible: true
Rectangle {
objectName: "testingItem"
width: 200; height: 40; color: "green"
And in C++, assume engine
is the QQmlApplicationEngine
that loads main.qml, we can easily find testingItem
by searching the QObject tree from QML root item using QObject::findChild
void printTestingItemColor()
auto rootObj = engine.rootObjects().at(0); //assume main.qml is loaded
auto testingItem = rootObj->findChild<QQuickItem *>("testingItem");
qDebug() << testingItem->property("color");
However, this method cannot find all items in QML since some items may not have QObject parent. For example, delegates in ListView
or Repeater
ListView {
objectName: "view"
width: 200; height: 80
model: ListModel { ListElement { colorRole: "green" } }
delegate: Rectangle {
objectName: "testingItem" //printTestingItemColor() cannot find this!!
width: 50; height: 50
color: colorRole
For delegates in ListView
, we have to search the visual child instead of the object child. ListView
delegates are parented to ListView's contentItem
. So in C++ we have to search for the ListView
first (with QObject::findChild
), and then search for delegates in contentItem
using QQuickItem::childItems
void UIControl::printTestingItemColorInListView()
auto view = m_rootObj->findChild<QQuickItem *>("view");
auto contentItem = view->property("contentItem").value<QQuickItem *>();
auto contentItemChildren = contentItem->childItems();
for (auto childItem: contentItemChildren )
if (childItem->objectName() == "testingItem")
qDebug() << childItem->property("color");