Having read an existing post on stackoverflow and done some reading around on the net. I thought it was time to post my question before I lost too much hair!
I have the following code within a batch file which I double click to run, under Windows XP SP3:
::Observe variable is not defined
SET test
::Define initial value
SET test = "Two"
::Observe initial value is set
SET test
::Verify if the contents of the variable matches our condition
If "!test!" == "Two" GOTO TWO
::First Place holder
::Echo first response
ECHO "One"
::Second Place holder
::Echo second response
ECHO "Two"
::Await user input
Basically I am trying to establish if I can navigate through my script using conditionals. It seems apparent that I am getting some issues with variable scope and delayed variable expansion yet I'm a little lost on what I'm doing wrong.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Your immediate problem is that you're setting the variable to the value < "Two"> which you can see here:
@echo off
::Observe variable is not defined
SET test
::Define initial value
SET test = "Two"
::Observe initial value is set
SET test
echo %test%
echo..%test %.
::Verify if the contents of the variable matches our condition
If "!test!" == "Two" GOTO TWO
::First Place holder
::Echo first response
ECHO "One"
::Second Place holder
::Echo second response
ECHO "Two"
::Await user input
which produces:
Environment variable test not defined
test = "Two"
. "Two".
Press any key to continue . . .
The reason your "set test" is outputting the variable is the same reason why "set t" would - if there's no variable of the specific name, it outputs all variables starting with that name.
The set command is also a finicky little beast and does not like spaces surrounding the '=' characters; it incorporates them (and the quotes by the way) into the environment variable name and the value assigned to it. Instead, use:
set test=Two
Also, where you're using delayed expansion, it doesn't matter since %test% and !test! would expand the same. It's useful in statements like:
if "!test!" == "Two" (
set test=TwoAndABit
echo !test!
The inner echo will output TwoAndABit whereas %test%, which is expanded when the whole if-statement is encountered, would cause it to output Two.
Still, I always use delayed expansion everywhere just for consistency.