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keeping a background process running on heroku

I'm trying to run a rabbitmq background process on heroku to pick tasks off a queue and process them. I'm working with the AMQP haskell library and they give the following example (parts omitted or brevity.

main = do
    --setup connection omitted
    --connect to queue, wait for messages
    consumeMsgs chan "myQueue" Ack myCallback
    --halts process so messages are taken off the queue until a key is presseed
    getLine -- wait for keypress
    closeConnection conn -- close connection after key
    putStrLn "connection closed"

This works fine locally because getLine keeps the process running until you press a key. However, when I deploy this to heroku the process exits with

2016-04-19T08:37:23.373087+00:00 app[worker.1]: worker: <stdin>: hGetChar: end of file

I figured out from the accepted answer to this question that this is because in order to deploy a background process via ssh you need to redirect /dev/null/ to stdin which sends an EOF signal to the process.

In our case the getLine function exits because of this signal and the entire process stops, preventing our worker from staying up.

How can I keep this worker running when I deploy?

EDIT: Final Solution Using @carstons comments I ended up with the following implementation that worked:

main :: IO ()
main = do
    mvar <- newEmptyMVar
    conn <- setupConnection
    queueName <- pack <$> getEnv "QUEUE_NAME"
    chan <- openChannel conn
    consumeMsgs chan queueName Ack processMessage
    installHandler sigINT (Catch (cleanupConnection conn mvar)) Nothing
    putStrLn "Running forever, press ctrl c to exit"
    -- this blocks until sigint is recieved and the handler for SIGINT
    -- "fills" the mvar. once that is filled the process exits
    run <- takeMVar mvar
    case run of
      _ -> return ()

mixpanelConfig :: IO Config
mixpanelConfig = liftM2 Config (ApiToken . pack <$> getEnv "MIXPANEL_API_TOKEN") (newManager tlsManagerSettings)

cleanupConnection :: Connection -> MVar () -> IO ()
cleanupConnection conn mvar = do
  closeConnection conn
  putStrLn "SIGINT received.. closing rabbitmq connection"
  putMVar mvar ()

processMessage :: (Message, Envelope) -> IO ()


  • as I pointed out in the comment if you just want to keep it running forever you can use forever with - for example - threadDelay:

    import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
    import Control.Monad (forever)
    main = do
        --setup connection omitted
        --connect to queue, wait for messages
        consumeMsgs chan "myQueue" Ack myCallback
        --halts process so messages are taken off the queue forever
        forever $ threadDelay 10000
        -- so this will never happen and you could remove it
        closeConnection conn -- close connection after key
        putStrLn "connection closed"

    note that this will of course never really close the connection or exit the application - you'll have to kill the process.

    the alternative would be a bit more involved as you need some message/way to send your program a termination signal.

    An easy way is to use MVars which you could set in your myCallback when a certain stop-message was received on your queue:

    import Control.Concurrent.MVar
    main = do
        -- MVar to receve the quit-signal
        quitSignal <- newEmptyMVar
        --setup connection omitted
        --connect to queue, wait for messages - the callback should
        --set the quitSignal with putMVar quitSignal ()
        consumeMsgs chan "myQueue" Ack (myCallback quitSignal)
        --halts process so messages are taken off the queue till quitSignal
        takeMVar quitSignal
        -- so this will happen after quitSignal was set
        closeConnection conn -- close connection after key
        putStrLn "connection closed"