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How to Use Django Logging with Heroku Papertrail & Waitress

So I've been trying to get logging to work with Django 1.9.5/Python 3 on a Waitress server running on Heroku, but I have been unable to so far. This is the configuration I have added to my production server Django settings:

    "version": 1,
    "disable_existing_loggers": False,
    "handlers": {
        "console": {
            "level": "INFO",
            "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
            "stream": sys.stdout

    "loggers": {
        "django": {
            "handlers": ["console"],

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class IndexView(View):
    def get(self, request):'This is a test INFO error')
        return render(request, 'index.html', {})

Any ideas why this isn't outputting anything into my Heroku Papertrail?


  • Your logging configuration is set up to capture all logs under the django namespace, but in your views.pyyou are using a different namespace set with:

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # __name__ resolves to the name of your app.

    You need to add your app (say it's called myapp) to your logging config:

    "loggers": {
        "django": {
            "handlers": ["console"],
        "myapp": {
            "handlers": ["console"],