So I am trying to encrypt some files and it works fine, but when I try to include a progress bar to show how far along big files are, like a 100mb-1gb file, the performance is slashed and is very slow. I am assuming its because ReportProgress was being called to quickly, so I added in a stopwatch to only update every 2 seconds, but that caused it to work much faster (still not as fast without calling reportProgress) but also sometimes not update the progress bar at all.
using (FileStream fsCrypt = new FileStream(cryptFile, FileMode.Create))
using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(fsCrypt, AES.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write))
using (FileStream fsIn = new FileStream(inputFile, FileMode.Open))
int data;
int test = 0;
Stopwatch stopw = new Stopwatch();
while ((data = fsIn.ReadByte()) != -1)
cs.WriteByte((byte) data);
if (stopw.Elapsed.Seconds > 2)
backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress((int) fsIn.Length);
An example is that with the backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress((int) fsIn.Length);
line removed a file can take 5 seconds, but with it added in, it ends up taking 20 seconds.
What can I do to improve this and make it faster?
My suggestion is to not use stopwatch but just go on the # of bytes. Maybe checking the stopwatch elapsed after every byte is taking a long time (seems unlikely though but who knows). Also, get fsIn.Length
one time outside of the while loop.
using (FileStream fsCrypt = new FileStream(cryptFile, FileMode.Create))
using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(fsCrypt, AES.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write))
using (FileStream fsIn = new FileStream(inputFile, FileMode.Open))
int data;
long test = 0;
long total = fsIn.Length;
while ((data = fsIn.ReadByte()) != -1)
cs.WriteByte((byte) data);
if (test % 10000 == 0)
backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress((int) (test * 100 / total));
Also make sure the code in your ReportProgress
event handler is not the culprit. You don't want to do anything expensive in there.