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iOS app rejected: Apps must follow the iOS Data Storage Guidelines or they will be rejected

My application got rejected for the 2nd time.

When my app got rejected for the 1st time, I first checked all these links and more:

Then, I added a function that marks all my /Documents files with "do not back up" attribute NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey. But my application got rejected again. Here is my code:

func excludeUrls(path: String) {
    let urlToExclude = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(path)
    do {
        try urlToExclude.setResourceValue(NSNumber(bool: true), forKey: NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey)
        print("\(path) excluded.")
    } catch {
        print("failed to set resource value")

More informations:

  • I have about 320 static photo embedded in Supporting Files, these images are not backed up.
  • I use Google/SignIn, Google/CloudMessaging, Alamofire and SQLite.swift pods
  • I have 1 sqlite database that I save in /Library/Cache folder, which is not backed up of course.
  • When I check iCloud storage space for my application:

    Go to Settings > iCloud > Storage & Backup > Manage Storage

I found that my app stores ONLY 578 KB enter image description here


  • Hopefuly, Apple Review Team finished by accepting my application. Here is what I did:

    1 - I moved the generated database to the /Library/Caches

    2 - I added an ImageLoader class to optimise the way i'm loading and using images inside the app, specially, there is a lot of images to handle. So, best way is to use cache: check this class

    3 - The most important thing that I did, after seeing that my app does not store a lot of KB in iCloud, is that I appealed the rejection and I gave a lot of description and details and even some screenshots.