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Sub querying data over a SQL query

I've the following query, Query the Western Longitude (LONG_W) for the largest Northern Latitude (LAT_N) in STATION that is less than 137.2345 137.2345. Round your answer to 4 decimal places. The schema for the table STATION is id, city, state, lat_N, long_w

This is my code,


This doesn't work, what am I doing wrong here.


  • There's several things wrong here.

    For one thing, there is no guarantee that value in LAT_N is going to be equal to ROUND(LAT_N,4).

     78.123456 = ROUND(78.123456,4)   --> FALSE

    I don't see any need for a subquery.

    Maximum value for a latitude (in degrees) is going to be 90. I think the question was asking for values of LONG_W that were less than 137.2345

    I read the question as specifying...

    • access the rows in the station table
    • exclude rows that don't satisfy LONG_W < 137.2345
    • from those rows, find the "largest" value LAT_N
    • round that largest value of LAT_N to 4 decimal places
    • return the rounded value

    I'd write the query like this:

     SELECT ROUND(MAX(s.lat_n),4) AS largest_lat_n
        FROM station s
       WHERE s.long_w < 137.2345

    Maybe I'm reading the question wrong. (This isn't a SQL problem, it's a specification problem.)

    If the question is instead asking...

    • access the rows in the station table
    • exclude rows that don't satisfy LONG_W < 137.2345
    • from those rows, find the row with the "largest" value LAT_N
    • take the LONG_W from that row with largest LAT_N
    • round that LONG_W to 4 decimal places
    • return the rounded value

    To get other values on the row that have the largest LAT_N, I could do something like this:

      SELECT ROUND(s.long_w,4)
        FROM station s
       WHERE s.long_w < 137.2345
       ORDER BY s.lat_n DESC
       LIMIT 1

    If I want to use a subquery, there's a potential that we'll get multiple rows back with the same LAT_N, and some of those values of LONG_W could be larger than 137.2345

    Consider a table containing rows with values:

    LAT_N     LONG_W
    -------   ---------
    87.654321 131.313131
    87.654321 140.404040

    ... and assume that the value of 87.654321 is the "largest" that occurs for rows with LONG_W < 137.2345. (That is, no other rows with a larger LAT_N.)

    Consider the return from this statement:

     SELECT t.long_w
       FROM ( SELECT MAX(s.lat_n) AS largest_lat_n
                FROM station s
               WHERE s.long_w < 137.2345
            ) s
       JOIN station t
         ON t.lat_n = s.largest_lat_n

    That's going to return both of the rows. If we do a MAX() function, we're going to get back the higher value, 140.4040404 value. And that doesn't seem to match the specification. To prevent larger values of LONG_W from being returned, we'd either need to add a predicate to the query (condition in the WHERE clause)

      WHERE t.long_w < 137.2345

    Or, we could use an expression in the SELECT list to filter out LONG_W values that don't meet the specification

     SELECT MAX( IF(t.long_w<137.2345,t.long_w,NULL) ) AS long_w