OK, so I'm trying to implement the basics of lambda calculus. Here it goes.
My numbers:
def zero[Z](s: Z => Z)(z: Z): Z = z
def one[Z](s: Z => Z)(z: Z): Z = s(z)
def two[Z](s: Z => Z)(z: Z): Z = s(s(z))
Partially (actually, non) applied version of them is smth like that:
def z[Z]: (Z => Z) => (Z => Z) = zero _
Before I continue I define some types:
type FZ[Z] = Z => Z
type FFZ[Z] = FZ[Z] => FZ[Z]
Fine, succ
function goes like (Application order should be exactly like that! I took the definition here):
def succ[Z](w: FFZ[Z])(y: FZ[Z])(x: Z): Z = y((w(y))(x))
And the unapplied version of it gets as scary as:
def s[Z]: FFFZ[Z] = successor _
Beg your pardon, here is the missing types:
type FFFZ[Z] = FFZ[Z] => FFZ[Z]
type FFFFZ[Z] = FFFZ[Z] => FFFZ[Z]
But I'm stuck at the add
function. If conformed to types and definition (taken here as well) it goes like
def add[Z](a: FFFFZ[Z])(b: FFZ[Z]): FFZ[Z] =
But I want a
to be a common number of type FFZ[Z]
So -- how can I define addition?
It's totally possible to implement Church numerals in Scala. Here is one such rather straight-forward implementation:
object ChurchNumerals {
type Succ[Z] = Z => Z
type ChNum[Z] = Succ[Z] => Z => Z
def zero[Z]: ChNum[Z] =
(_: Succ[Z]) => (z: Z) => z
def succ[Z] (num: ChNum[Z]): ChNum[Z] =
(s: Succ[Z]) => (z: Z) => s( num(s)(z) )
// a couple of church constants
def one[Z] : ChNum[Z] = succ(zero)
def two[Z] : ChNum[Z] = succ(one)
// the addition function
def add[Z] (a: ChNum[Z]) (b: ChNum[Z]) =
(s: Succ[Z]) => (z: Z) => a(s)( b(s)(z) )
def four[Z] : ChNum[Z] = add(two)(two)
// test
def church_to_int (num: ChNum[Int]): Int =
num((x: Int) => x + 1)(0)
def fourInt: Int = church_to_int(four)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println(s"2 + 2 = ${fourInt}")
Compiles and prints:
$ scala church-numerals.scala
2 + 2 = 4
If I were to explain Church numerals from scratch I'd add more commentaries. But taking the context into account, I'm not sure on what to comment in this case. Please feel free to ask and I'll add more explanations.