I am getting 504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT when pushing to a hosted Docker repo on Sonatype Nexus 3. I'm trying to push a multi-GB layer:
451c9f0946ad: Image already exists
97444a62d0da: Image already exists
3acdb070c7f5: Image already exists
78362681bd49: Image already exists
5890a244c36a: Pushing [==================================================>] 2.403 GB
Received unexpected HTTP status: 504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT
It seems to error after about 4 to 4.5 minutes. I don't see a way to adjust the timeout on the Nexus side. Any ideas?
You'll get error 504 from a reverse proxy running in front of Nexus, not from Nexus itself. Do you have nginx or Apache or similar running in front of the server? If so check the configuration there.