After adding NFC functionality to my app, I have come across a strange error. I have followed many guides and tutorials and they have this line,
Tag tag = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
Which does'nt work because Tag needs a Tag but it is receiving a Parcelable object. Im not sure if im missing something or why others seems to work but not mine.
Full method
private void handleIntent(Intent intent)
String action = intent.getAction();
String type = intent.getType();
if (mime_Text_plain.equals(type))
Tag tag = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
new NdefReader().execute(tag);
Log.d(TAG, "Wrong MIME Type!");
}else if (NfcAdapter.ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED.equals(action))
Tag tag = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
String[] nfclist = tag.getTechList();
String searchedNFC = Ndef.class.getName();
for (String nfc: nfclist)
if (searchedNFC.equals(nfc))
new NdefReader().execute(tag);
You should use Tag tag = intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
instead of Tag tag = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
The first one returns a Tag object and second returns an array.