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CycleJs - Subscribing events of the same element which has different classes

I created an element with class foo. Then I intended to swap its class with bar after an click event was occurred. However, when I clicked the element, streams that subscribes the click events of the foo and bar were triggered successively. As a result, element's class didn't change. How can I subscribe events of the same element where its classes change in time?

Here's the link:,js,console,output

Here's the sample code:

const {div, button, makeDOMDriver} = CycleDOM;
const toggleDriver = (data$)=> {
    data$.subscribe(function(data) {
        if (data.operation === 'remove' ) {
        else if (data.operation === 'add') {
        else {


    return Rx.Observable.empty();

const consoleLogDriver = (data$)=>{
  data$.subscribe(data=> {

  return Rx.Observable.empty();

const main = (sources) =>{
  const fooClick$ = sources.DOM
  const fooLog$ = fooClick$.map(_ =>'.foo is Clicked');
  const toggleFoo$ = fooClick$.flatMap(_ => {
    const result = [
        operation: 'remove',
        selector: 'button',
        className: 'foo'
        operation: 'add',
        selector: 'button',
        className: 'bar'
    return Rx.Observable.fromArray(result);
  const barClick$ = sources.DOM
  const barLog$ = barClick$.map(_ => '.bar is Clicked');
  const toggleBar$ = barClick$.flatMap(_ =>{
    const result = [
        operation: 'remove',
        selector: 'button',
        className: 'bar'
        operation: 'add',
        selector: 'button',
        className: 'foo'
    return Rx.Observable.fromArray(result);
  const log$ = Rx.Observable.merge(
  const toggle$ = Rx.Observable.merge(
  const vTree$ = Rx.Observable.of(div([
    button('',['Click me'])
  return {
    DOM: vTree$,
    consoleLogDriver: log$,

var drivers = {
  DOM: makeDOMDriver('#app'),
  toggleDriver: toggleDriver,
  consoleLogDriver: consoleLogDriver
};, drivers);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <title>JS Bin</title>
<div id="app"></div>


  • You may delay(0) your toggle$ stream to schedule its values to the next event loop and then successfully change your className:

    const toggle$ = Observable.merge(...)

    I see that you are using Jquery to toggle your class. Depending on what you want to do, I imagine it can have some usefull cases (eg: toggle a class somewhere else in the page out of scope from virtual dom).

    But there your cycle app is handled by virtual dom so I suggest you to use the right tool for the job and instead rebuild your vtree$ on each change:

    const currentClassName$ = Rx.Observable
        fooClick$.map(_ => '.bar'),
        barClick$.map(_ => '.foo')
      .delay(0) // fix the bug
    const vTree$ = currentClassName$
      .map(currentClassName => 
            '#button' + currentClassName, ['Click me']

    Working demo