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Consuming a WCF Service working with Hololens Emulator

I am working in a LAN with Hololens Emulator consuming a WCF service. With Mobile Emulator I am able to stablish communication without problem. As soon as I change my Emulator to HoloLens Emulator(10.0.11082.1039) I receive an exception when trying to establish communication: "No IPEndpoints were found for host"

The IP from the machine that have the WCF host in local network is "" and it works with a different emulator

The capabilities in package.appmanifest I have enabled Private Networks and Internet capabilities.

In hyper-v the virtual switch of Hololens emulator is assigned to "Windows phone Emulator Internal Switch" the same as the the Mobile 10.xx Emulator.

I have followed also the steps described in this post with no success.

It seems there is an internal Hololens Emulator that block my connection.( this is just guessing)

Anyone have an additional idea?


  • The problem it is not WCF. The problem is the HOlolens emulator and localhost. You should have 2 different machines to test it.