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How to Parse a JsonSluper object?

I have the following JsonSluper object :

[ [id:5017,feature:age,value:20],
  [id:3017,feature:country,value:france] ]

and I want to get the following JsonObject:


I want to transform the feature value of the JsonSluper to a field of the JsonObject


  • THat's a Map, not a "JsonSlurper object"

    Assuming you have something like:

    def object = [[id:5017,feature:'age',value:20],[id:2017,feature:'city',value:'paris'],[id:3017,feature:'country',value:'france']]

    Then just do:

    def json = new JsonBuilder(object).toPrettyString()

    Then json will be a pretty json representation like:

            "id": 5017,
            "feature": "age",
            "value": 20
            "id": 2017,
            "feature": "city",
            "value": "paris"
            "id": 3017,
            "feature": "country",
            "value": "france"

    To do the transformation, just do:

    def transformed = object.collectEntries { [it.feature, it.value] }
    def json = new JsonBuilder(transformed).toPrettyString()