I'm am attempting to setup some import hooks through sys.meta_path
, in a somewhat similar approach to this SO question. For this, I need to define two functions find_module
and load_module
as explained in the link above. Here is my load_module
import imp
def load_module(name, path):
fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module(name, path)
module = imp.load_module(name, fp, pathname, description)
if fp:
return module
which works fine for most modules, but fails for PyQt4.QtCore
when using Python 2.7:
name = "QtCore"
path = ['/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/PyQt4']
mod = load_module(name, path)
which returns,
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 19, in <module>
mod = load_module(name, path)
File "test.py", line 13, in load_module
module = imp.load_module(name, fp, pathname, description)
SystemError: dynamic module not initialized properly
The same code works fine with Python 3.4 (although imp
is getting deprecated and importlib
should ideally be used instead there).
I suppose this has something to do with the SIP dynamic module initialization. Is there anything else I should try with Python 2.7?
Note: this applies both with PyQt4
and PyQt5
Edit: this may be related to this question as indeed,
cd /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/PyQt4
python2 -c 'import QtCore'
fails with the same error. Still I'm not sure what would be a way around it...
Edit2: following @Nikita's request for a concrete use case example, what I am trying to do is to redirect the import, so when one does import A
, what happens is import B
. One could indeed think that for this it would be sufficient to do module renaming in find_spec/find_module
and then use the default load_module
. However, it is unclear where to find a default load_module
implementation in Python 2. The closest implementation I have found of something similar is future.standard_library.RenameImport
. It does not look like there is a backport of the complete implementation of importlib
from Python 3 to 2.
A minimal working example for the import hooks that reproduces this problem can be found in this gist.
UPD: This part in not really relevant after answer updates, so see UPD below.
Why not just use importlib.import_module
, which is available in both Python 2.7 and Python 3:
import importlib
mod = importlib.import_module('PyQt4.QtCore')
on Ubuntu 14.04:
$ python2 test.py
Since it's a dynamic module, as said in the error (and the actual file is QtCore.so
), may be also take a look at imp.load_dynamic
Another solution might be to force the execution of the module initialization code, but IMO it's too much of a hassle, so why not just use importlib
UPD: There are things in pkgutil
, that might help. What I was talking about in my comment, try to modify your finder like this:
import pkgutil
class RenameImportFinder(object):
def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
""" This is the finder function that renames all imports like
PyQt4.module or PySide.module into PyQt4.module """
for backend_name in valid_backends:
if fullname.startswith(backend_name):
# just rename the import (That's what i thought about)
name_new = fullname.replace(backend_name, redirect_to_backend)
print('Renaming import:', fullname, '->', name_new, )
print(' Path:', path)
# (And here, don't create a custom loader, get one from the
# system, either by using 'pkgutil.get_loader' as suggested
# in PEP302, or instantiate 'pkgutil.ImpLoader').
return pkgutil.get_loader(name_new)
#(Original return statement, probably 'pkgutil.ImpLoader'
#instantiation should be inside 'RenameImportLoader' after
#'find_module()' call.)
#return RenameImportLoader(name_orig=fullname, path=path,
# name_new=name_new)
return None
Can't test the code above now, so please try it yourself.
P.S. Note that imp.load_module()
, which worked for you in Python 3 is deprecated since Python 3.3.
Another solution is not to use hooks at all, but instead wrap the __import__
valid_backends = ['shelve']
redirect_to_backend = 'pickle'
# Using closure with parameters
def import_wrapper(valid_backends, redirect_to_backend):
def wrapper(import_orig):
def import_mod(*args, **kwargs):
fullname = args[0]
for backend_name in valid_backends:
if fullname.startswith(backend_name):
fullname = fullname.replace(backend_name, redirect_to_backend)
args = (fullname,) + args[1:]
return import_orig(*args, **kwargs)
return import_mod
return wrapper
# Here it's important to assign to __import__ in __builtin__ and not
# local __import__, or it won't affect the import statement.
import __builtin__
__builtin__.__import__ = import_wrapper(valid_backends,
import shutil
import shelve
import re
import glob
print shutil.__file__
print shelve.__file__
print re.__file__
print glob.__file__
<built-in function __import__>
<function import_mod at 0x02BBCAF0>
renamed to pickle
, and pickle
is imported by default machinery with the variable name shelve