For me the content-negotiation mechanism of the e.g. for .properties is not working in Spring Cloud Config Server after switching to Spring Cloud Brixton.RC1
or Brixton.RC2
from Angel.SR5
and Angel.SR6
The problem occurs when im starting the service using gradlew bootRun
or java -jar ...
. It's working in my integration tests though (see Working Integration-Test below).
I want to access the configuration in profile testing
of application my-service
, so I'm calling http://localhost:8888/my-service/
Expected result: there
Actual result:
Without Accept
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Error 406</title>
<h1>Error 406: Not Acceptable</h1>
Could not find acceptable representation
With Accept
-Header application/json
"timestamp": 1461140158009,
"status": 406,
"error": "Not Acceptable",
"exception": "org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException",
"message": "Could not find acceptable representation",
"path": "/config/my-service/"
As you tell from the example, the content-negotiation mechanism seems to be working for error-handling but for the configuration access it is not.
I wrote the following Spock-Test
@WebIntegrationTest({"server.port=0", "management.port=0"})
@ContextConfiguration(loader = SpringApplicationContextLoader.class, classes = ConfigurationServiceApplication.class)
class ConfigurationAccessTest extends Specification {
TestserverInfo testserverInfo
def "testing profile returns testing properties"() {
RestTemplate rest = new TestRestTemplate(null, null)
Properties properties = new Properties()
String result = rest.getForObject( testserverInfo.getBasePath() + "/", String.class );
properties.load( new StringReader(result) )
properties['test'] == 'Testing Profile World'
properties[''] == 'Testing Profile Property'
Spring Cloud Config Server
for any obvious configuration errors as far as my knowledge of content-negotiation in Spring MVC wentProvide a WebMvcConfigurer myself and initializing content-negotiation as in the configuration class referenced above:
public class ConfigMvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigMvcConfiguration.class);
public void configureContentNegotiation(ContentNegotiationConfigurer configurer) {
configurer.mediaType("properties", MediaType.valueOf("text/plain"));
configurer.mediaType("yml", MediaType.valueOf("text/yaml"));
configurer.mediaType("yaml", MediaType.valueOf("text/yaml"));"media-types added");
Can anyone reproduce this issue or provide me any guidance on how to resolve it?
After all the ruckus with writing the question I realized: I was hunting a ghost. While checking the integration-test I wrote myself I found out, that I was trying to access the properties using a wrong url-schema.
I was trying to access the properties using the URL
http://localhost:8888/config/my-service/ <-- wrong
rather than
http://localhost:8888/config/ <-- correct
One can access the properties in JSON format using the following url schema (when not using labels):
If one wants to access the properties in a format other than json, she has to use another url-schema (again example without labels)
with format beeing properties/yml/yaml as currently supported formats.
Once again a small mistake that can complicate things alot.