I wanted to know if it is possible to break a while loop and restart the code from a particular position without the use of an external reset button on the MCU reset pin.
Below is the while loop I would like to break when the "if" statement is true, I am using an LCD and would like to return to a particular part in my code where text is displayed (to imitate a home page).
As it is, when the "if" statement is true the while loop is broken and the code ends.
int main(void)
/***************************************** BUTTON CONFIGURATION ********************************/
DDRA &= ~((1<<PINA0) | (1<<PINA1) | (1<<PINA2) | (1<<PINA3)); // Config pins as inputs (ADC3 - Matching with ADMUX assignment below in ADC configuration)
DDRC = 0xFF; // Output pins for LEDs
PORTA |= (1<< PINA0) | (1<<PINA1) | (1<<PINA2); // Three pins for three push buttons
/****************************************** ADC CONFIGURATION **********************************/
ADMUX |= (1<<MUX0) | (1<<MUX1) | (1<<REFS0); // ADC3 and Internal voltage as reference voltage
MCUCR &= ~((1<<ADTS2) | (1<<ADTS1) | (1<<ADTS0)); // Free running mode
ADCSRA |= (1<<ADEN) | (1<<ADATE) | (1<<ADIE); // ADC, Auto trigger source enable and start conversion
sei(); // Enable global interrupts
/***************************************** LCD CONFIGURATION ***********************************/
LCD_Data_DDRB |= (1<<LCD_D7) | (1<<LCD_D6) | (1<<LCD_D5) | (1<<LCD_D4); // Set output lines for lower 4 bits
LCD_Data_DDRD |= (1<<LCD_B3) | (1<<LCD_B2) | (1<<LCD_B1) | (1<<LCD_B0); // Set output lines for upper 4 bits
LCD_Control_DDRB |= (1<<RS) | (1<<RW) | (1<<EN); // Set RS, RW & EN output lines
/******************************************** START CODE **************************************/
LCD_Initialise(); // Run function to initialize the LCD
LCD_startup(); // Run function which displays default start up text
ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); // Start conversion
if(Default > Final)
LCD_Send_Command(DISP_CS | LINE_1);
LCD_Send_String(" text would go here");
This is slightly hard to understand, since you don't show the code you want to "restart".
Perhaps you can use another loop surrounding the one you show:
if(Default > Final) /* Very bad variable names */
break; /* Exits the inner loop only. */
The break;
will exit the innermost loop only, so execution will continue in code_that_is_restarted();