i have a question. I was wondering why this is happend?
var dict : [String : Any] = ["intValue": 1234, "stringValue" : "some text"]
dict["intValue"] as? Int64 // = nil (why)
dict["intValue"] as? Int // = 1234
can anybody tell me why the cast to Int64 returns nil?
Edited part:
I have simplify my question, but i think this was not a good idea. :)
In my special case I will get back a Dictionary from a message body of WKScriptMessage.
I know that in one field of the Dictionary there is a Int value that can be greater than Int32.
So if I cast this value to Int it will works on 64-bit systems. But what happend on 32-bit systems? I think here is a integer overflow or?
Must I check both to support both systems? Something like this:
func handleData(dict: [String : AnyObject]) {
val value: Int64?
if let int64Value = dict["intValue"] as? Int64 {
value = int64Value
} else if let intValue = dict["intValue"] as? Int {
value = intValue
//do what ever i want with the value :)
let dict : [String : AnyObject] = ["intValue": 1234, "stringValue" : "some text"]
the number 1234
is stored as an NSNumber
object, and that can
be cast to Int
, UInt
, Float
, ..., but not to the fixed
size integer types like Int64
To retrieve a 64-bit value even on 32-bit platforms, you have to
go via NSNumber
if let val = dict["intValue"] as? NSNumber {
let int64value = val.longLongValue // This is an `Int64`