I'm fetching contacts using CNContactPickerViewController
, and it seems that iOS doesn't automatically ask me for access permissions.
Do I really need permissions for using CNContactPickerViewController
or do I need to request for permissions manually?
If I need permissions for this, will my app get rejected if I submit this app to the App Store and if I did not ask for Contacts permissions?
Note: There is nothing stated in the ContactsUI Framework documentation.
I guess that using ContactsUI API doesn't need permissions since it states in Contacts Framework Reference that permissions will only show (the first time only) on calls to CNContactStore
Users can grant or deny access to contact data on a per-application basis. Any call to
will block the application while the user is being asked to grant or deny access. Note that the user is prompted only the first time access is requested; any subsequentCNContactStore
calls use the existing permissions.
Apple's Contacts Framework Reference