How can I know when a db4o started from code has finished?
Doc mentions it does the backup in a separate thread, but doesn't mention anything about when it finishes. The method doesn't receives any callback.
As far as I know this is not possible =(. When you try to run a back-up while one is allready in progress, you get an BackupInProgressException. This way you know that there's allready a backup in progress.
However that isn't a real notification and not usfull in many situations.
However there's a complex work-around. You can provide your own storage-implementation to the backup-process:
IStorage myStorage = ...; container.Ext().Backup(myStorage, "backup.db4o.bak");
This way you can implement a wrapper-storage which notifies you. You build a decorator which implements the IStorage-interface. The IBin-instances which are returned then notify you when closing. When the backup calls the close-methon on the IBin-instance you know that it is done.
Here's a draft how it's done. (Not testet or anything). The StorageDecorator is a base-class for IStorage-decorators, which is included in db4o.
class NotificationStorageDecorator : StorageDecorator
public NotificationStorageDecorator(IStorage storage) : base(storage)
public NotificationStorageDecorator() : this(new FileStorage()){}
protected override IBin Decorate(BinConfiguration config, IBin bin)
return new MyNotificationBin(bin);
class MyNotificationBin : BinDecorator
public MyNotificationBin(IBin bin) : base(bin)
public override void Close()
// Implement here your notification-mechanism
// For example with events etc
// then use it
var notifactionStorage = new NotificationStorageDecorator();