I have Generated the PDF file for the For the Following table using the DOMPDF. But while generating the pdf its only showing the First 15 rows of the table.
Note: I have used the style in tables page-break-inside: avoid;
i have attached the HTML coding of the table in the fiddle.
In relation to your document the main advice I can give is to get rid of the wrapper table. If any particular table cell exceeds the page size you'll run into a fairly nasty bug. Luckily for your document you do not need that outer table since all it's doing is wrapping your actual content to provide spacing.
Instead of this:
<table align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="margin:5px; page-break-inside: avoid;" width="100%">
<th class="head">Heading</th>
<td style="border:1px solid; page-break-inside: avoid;" class="border-top border-left border-right border-bottom">
<!-- invoice table -->
Try this:
<div style="margin:5px;">
<div class="head">Heading</div>
<div style="border:1px solid;" class="border-top border-left border-right border-bottom">
<!-- invoice table -->
I updated your fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/o4ga8uze/1/
As far as preventing the table from paging... You don't include an actual reference to all your stylesheets so it's difficult to provide much guidance. The first thing I can say is that since your table is all that's on the page (at least in your sample) it would have to have a low enough number of rows to not require paging.
I notice that your reference Bootstrap 2.3.2 so I'll also note that dompdf doesn't work all that well with bootstrap at this time. You might try setting a high enough DPI such that dompdf is able to fit more of the content on the page.
configuration constant to, for example, 300.$dompdf->set_option('dpi', 300);
Finally, drop the page-break-inside: avoid;
styling. This can be particularly problematic with content that exceeds the page size, particularly tables.