I'm testing some api calls in c# and getting the following JSON response:
"message": "The request is invalid. Model validation failed.",
"validationErrors": {
"": {
"reasons": [
"A customer must be added to the order before it can be placed."
I want to map this response to a class with a JSON Deserializer and I have no control over how the response is formed. How do I handle that empty field in validationErrors so that I can still access the reasons list in my object?
Note: when I ran it through json2csharp it gave this not too useful mapping for that field within the validationErrors class.
public __invalid_type__ __invalid_name__ {get;set;}
Deserialize to a Dictionary<string, ValidationError>
public class ValidationError
public List<string> reasons { get; set; }
public class RootObject
public string message { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, ValidationError> validationErrors { get; set; }
This will work out-of-the-box with javascriptserializer and json.net. If you are using DataContractJsonSerializer
(tagged as datacontractjsonserialize) you will need to set DataContractJsonSerializer.UseSimpleDictionaryFormat = true
(.Net 4.5 and above only).