I have this code:
extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
autoLoad: true,
autoSync: true,
model: 'Business',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
api: {
read: '../crud/ler_filter.php?db='+database+'&tbl=mercados',
create: '../crud/criar.php?db='+database+'&tbl=mercados',
update: '../crud/update.php?db='+database+'&tbl=mercados',
destroy: '../crud/apagar.php?db='+database+'&tbl=mercados'
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'rows'
writer: {
var storeBusinessCombo = Ext.create('storeBusiness');
var storeBusiness = Ext.create('storeBusiness');
storeBusiness.add({id: 0, business: "All"});
I have 2 grids. One has storeBusiness and the other has storeProducts.
The way the work is when I click on the business grid it filters the produts grid so that it shows the products of that business.
On the business grid it has the storeBusiness that it fetches the records from a database. I want to fetch all business from the database and add one more record (named 'All') without writing it to the database.
I dont want to add 'All' to the database because in the Product's grid I want to have a combobox that has all the business (storeBusinessCombo) without the 'All' record.
Does anyone has any idea how I can do this?
(the code above isn't doing what I want, storeBusiness shows all business without the 'All' in the grid)
Important: This works if the Ext.define('storeBusiness', has a proxy that is of type: 'memory'
To resolve this I have done:
autoLoad: false,
Put this code:
var storeBusinessCombo = Ext.create('storeBusiness', {autoLoad: true});
var storeBusiness = Ext.create('storeBusiness');
storeBusiness.on('beforeload', function(){
storeBusiness.loadData([{id: 0, business: "All"}]);
And you should put
storeBusiness.load({addRecords: true});
when you want to load storeBusiness