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How do I access a resource with multiple endpoints with Flask-Restful?

Here's a simple Flask-Restful resource:

class ListStuff(Resource):
    def get(self):
       stuff = SomeFunctionToFetchStuff()
       if re.match('/api/', request.path):
           return {'stuff': stuff}
       return make_response("{}".format(stuff), 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})

api.add_resource(ListStuff, '/list', '/api/list', endpoint='list')

My idea is to allow users to call both /list and /api/list. If they use the first URL, they will get back an HTML representation of the data. If they use the second URL, they will get a JSON representation.

My trouble is when I want to access the URL of this endpoint elsewhere in the program. I can't just use url_for('list'), because that will always return /list , no matter whether the user accessed or

So how can I build the URL for /api/list ?


  • Looks like Hassan was on the right track - I can add a new resource for the same class but give it a different endpoint.

    api.add_resource(ListStuff, '/list', endpoint='list')
    api.add_resource(ListStuff, '/api/list', endpoint='api-list')
    >>> print('URL for "list" is "{}"'.format(url_for('list'))
    >>> print('URL for "api-list" is "{}"'.format(url_for('api-list'))
    URL for "list" is "/list"
    URL for "api-list" is "/api/list"