I set up a ribbon button to call an html page from my webresources. I add an example.html page with this code into webresources (taken from W3 schools):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.8/angular.min.js"> </script>
<div ng-app="">
<p>Input something in the input box:</p>
<p>Name : <input type="text" ng-model="name" placeholder="Enter name here"> </p>
<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>
The example.html page will come up when clicked, but angularJS isn't being invoked for whatever reason, and {{brackets}} are still displayed as opposed to the angular variables and functions they represent. The exact same code definitely works in other html compilers I've plugged it into, why is this not working in Dynamics CRM, and how can I get angular to work with the html webresource pages I call?
Additional Info/Edit: https vs http has been suggested and has no bearing; actual page with angular.js script in webresource is also having same problem. Found out that this is only a problem in IE, specifically using IE11. Works as intended in Chrome and Firefox, but IE is what's supposed to be supported.
Figured it out! It works in Chrome/Firefox, which is great, but IE is our main customer base, so it's more of an IE issue than a Dynamics or JS issue. It's forced in doc-mode 5 via intranet compatibility settings, so I have to find a way to get it updated.
Fixed that by plugging this into the IIS web-config, so now everything works as expected. As a bonus, it's speeding up the loading time of CRM navigation by a lot for everyone as well!
<clear />
<add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=edge" />
It's better with IIS 7 to add an 'X-UA-Compatible' tag in the http response headers options for your sites rather than manipulate the web config directly.
ALSO another part of the problem in IE and Dynamics CRM, is that after adding that tag, you're restricted to uploading html files directly for your web resources. If you upload one and try to make a simple change through the text editor, Dynamics itself will add its own meta 'x-ua-compatible ie=5.0000' tag that superimposes over your IIS changes, but this is ONLY if you go into text editor after the fact, so simple changes will have to be made to your html file locally and uploaded again.