How can I check values of my variables at run time when using QTP UFT? I simply want to create a variable, do logic and fill it with data, set a breakpoint in the line following the variable and then check or output its value somewhere.
I have tried:
print variableName
WScript.Echo variableName
The first produces error: Print function type mismatch
The second produces error: Object required: "WScript"
I'm not sure where the problem lies as I've just started to get into both UFT and VBScript (mostly did C# and javascript and everything is quite different here). Could someone tell me the correct solution and perhaps also explain these errors to me?
If you wanted to see all variables use the debug viewer in QTP.
View -> Debug Viewer
There you can list all the variables you want to watch. You should be able to see them in break points.
Note : Ensure you have Windows script debugger installed to use the debug viewer.