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Proving commutativity of add, Take 2

This question is a follow up to the following question isabelle proving commutativity for add, my followup was too long to be a comment. The problem as stated was to show the commutativity of the add function defined as follows:

fun add :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat" where
  "add 0 n = n" |
  "add (Suc m) n = Suc(add m n)"


theorem "add m n = add n m"
apply(induct_tac m)

gets stuck (on the inductive case) because of a missing lemma. I got curious about this problem, and was exploring alternative (albeit less efficient) way of proving it. Suppose we defined the Lemma

lemma Lemma1 [simp]: "add n (Suc 0) = Suc n

which Isabelle can automatically prove by induction Then the inductive step is to prove

Suc (add k m) = add m (Suc k)

which we could do by hand as follows

   Suc (add k m)
=  Suc (add m k) by the IH
=  add (add m k) (Suc 0) by Lemma1 <--
=  add m (add k (Suc 0)) by associativity (already proved)
=  add m (Suc k) by the Lemma1 -->

However, Isabelle is unable to prove this, and it appears the simplifier is stuck at the 2nd line. However, using the more obvious

lemma Lemma2 [simp]: "add m (Suc n) = Suc (add m n)"

instead of Lemma1, the proof succeeds. It seems to be able to use Lemma2 in both directions but not the Lemma1 I defined above. Does anyone know why? I feel like I am overlooking something obvious somewhere..

Remarks: I realize the simplifier actually only applies definitions etc in one direction but uses heuristics to try and reduce both sides of the equation to the same term


  • Lemma2 is not used in both directions, as you can see when you try to do the proof manually with subst steps:

    theorem commutativity2: 
    "add n m = add m n"
    apply (induct n)
    apply (subst Lemma0)
    apply (subst add.simps(1))
    apply (rule refl)
    (* ⋀n. add n m = add m n ⟹ add (Suc n) m = add m (Suc n) *)
    apply (subst add.simps(2))
    (* ⋀n. add n m = add m n ⟹ Suc (add n m) = add m (Suc n) *)
    apply (erule ssubst)
    (* ⋀n. Suc (add m n) = add m (Suc n) *)
    apply (subst Lemma2)
    (* ⋀n. Suc (add m n) = Suc (add m n) *)
    apply (rule refl)

    It is just working on the right hand side of the goal-equation, but still using Lemma1 from left to right.

    If you want to do the proof as in your manual proof you can also easily do it in Isabelle:

    theorem commutativity: 
    "add m n = add n m"
    proof (induct m)
      show "add 0 n = add n 0" using Lemma0 by simp
    next case (Suc k)
      have      "add (Suc k) n 
                     = Suc (add k n)" by simp
      also have "... = Suc (add n k)" using Suc.hyps by simp
      also have "... = add (add n k) (Suc 0)" using Lemma1 by simp
      also have "... = add n (add k (Suc 0))" using associativity by simp
      also have "... = add n (Suc k)" using Lemma1 by simp
      finally show ?case .


    A manual proof showing why this does not work with Lemma1: In the first rewrite Lemma 1 has to be used from right to left (using [symmetric]).

    theorem commutativity3: 
    "add n m = add m n"
    apply (induct n)
    apply (subst Lemma0)
    apply (subst add.simps(1))
    apply (rule refl)
    (* ⋀n. add n m = add m n ⟹ add (Suc n) m = add m (Suc n) *)
    apply (subst Lemma1[symmetric]) back
    (*  ⋀n. add n m = add m n ⟹ add (Suc n) m = add m (add n (Suc 0)) *)
    apply (subst associativity)
    (* ⋀n. add n m = add m n ⟹ add (Suc n) m = add (add m n) (Suc 0) *)
    apply (subst Lemma1)
    (* ⋀n. add n m = add m n ⟹ add (Suc n) m = Suc (add m n) *)
    apply (erule subst)
    (* ⋀n. add (Suc n) m = Suc (add n m) *)
    apply (subst add.simps(2))
    (* ⋀n. Suc (add n m) = Suc (add n m) *)
    apply (rule refl)