I am trying to make a 3D interface using Java3D for the Multiple Container Loading problem.
I want to visualize each container and items already packed in it in seperate frames. (for example , if I have 3 containers , there will be 3 different frames )
In the container's class , I added a BranchGroup variable :
private static BranchGroup scene ;
and in the constructor, I created the BranchGroup scene and a frame (I will post the Interface class above)
public ContainerW(final int iD) {
cRef = iD;
this.emptyBreadth = 0;
this.length = 0.8;
this.height = 0.6;
this.breadth = 0.5 - emptyBreadth;
this.usedVolume = 0;
volume = length * breadth * height;
this.packedItems = new ArrayList<ItemsUnit>();
scene = new BranchGroup();
Frame frame = new MainFrame(new Interface(scene),800, 800);
when a new item is packed, I add this (I added the new Node to the BranchGroup scene ) :
scene.addChild(Interface.addItem(item[p].getLength(), item[p].getBreadth(), item[p].getBreadth(), x, y, z));
( x
, y
and z
are the translation parameters )
In the Interface
class, I wrote a method to create the frame and draw the container in it and another method to add the item's 3D Node
package Interface3D;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import javax.media.j3d.Appearance;
import javax.media.j3d.BranchGroup;
import javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D;
import javax.media.j3d.PolygonAttributes;
import javax.media.j3d.Transform3D;
import javax.media.j3d.TransformGroup;
import javax.media.j3d.TransparencyAttributes;
import javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Box;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.SimpleUniverse;
import Classes.ContainerW;
public class Interface extends Applet{
public Interface(BranchGroup scene) {
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
Canvas3D canvas3D = new Canvas3D(SimpleUniverse.getPreferredConfiguration());
this.add(canvas3D, BorderLayout.CENTER);
SimpleUniverse simpleU = new SimpleUniverse(canvas3D);
//create an appearance for the container
Appearance app = new Appearance();
//Create the polygon attributes
PolygonAttributes polyAttr = new PolygonAttributes();
//Set them so that the draw mode is polygon line
//Use these in the appearance
//rotate the view angle
Transform3D rotateCube = new Transform3D();
rotateCube.set(new AxisAngle4d(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, Math.PI /4.0));
//create a transform Group for the container
TransformGroup tg1 = new TransformGroup(rotateCube);
//create a box: container
Box container = new Box ( (float) ContainerW.getLength() , (float) ContainerW.getBreadth(), (float) ContainerW.getHeight(), app);
//add the container to the first transform group
//add the first transform group to the branch group
* adding an item box into the container in the position (x, y, z)
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
public static TransformGroup addItem(double l, double b, double h, double x, double y, double z) {
TransformGroup tg2 = new TransformGroup ();
//set the appearance of the product boxes (transparent)
Appearance app = new Appearance();
app.setTransparencyAttributes(new TransparencyAttributes(TransparencyAttributes.BLENDED,0.2f));
//create a box having length = l, breadth = b and height = h
Box box = new Box( (float )l, (float) b, (float) h, app);
// vector to translate the item box to the position (x, y, z)
Vector3f position = new Vector3f((float) x, (float) y, (float) z);
//creation of a 3D transform group
Transform3D transform = new Transform3D();
//add new item box to the transform group
return tg2;
When running the program I get multiple frames with containers drawn in them but no items
I know that my problem is in the BranchGroup scene
because I get this error :
javax.media.j3d.RestrictedAccessException: Group: only a BranchGroup node may be added
because of this line :
scene.addChild(Interface.addItem(item[p].getLength(), item[p].getBreadth(), item[p].getBreadth(), x, y, z));
I tried fixing the problem with the scene.detach()
but nothing changed (maybe
I put the detach method in the wrong place, I am not sure)
Does anyone know how to create multiple scenes and in each scene I draw the container and the packed items?
I hope you understood my problem.
I cannot post the full code and all the classes here because it is too complicated.
Thank you.
So, what I did to make it work is as follows:
I made the BranchGroup scene1 , the canvas and the universe global variables:
private static SimpleUniverse simpleU ;
private static Canvas3D canvas3D;
private static BranchGroup scene1;
I created the 3D inteface within the container's class constructor:
public ContainerW(final int iD) {
cRef = iD;
this.emptyBreadth = 0;
this.length = 0.8;
this.height = 0.6;
this.breadth = 0.5 - emptyBreadth;
this.usedVolume = 0;
volume = length * breadth * height;
this.packedItems = new ArrayList<ItemsUnit>();
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
//create a canvas3D
canvas3D = new Canvas3D(SimpleUniverse.getPreferredConfiguration());
this.add(canvas3D, BorderLayout.CENTER);
//create a universe
simpleU = new SimpleUniverse(canvas3D);
//create a branch group scene
scene1 = new BranchGroup();
//create an appearance for the container
Appearance app = new Appearance();
//Create the polygon attributes
PolygonAttributes polyAttr = new PolygonAttributes();
//Set them so that the draw mode is polygon line
//Use these in the appearance
//rotate the view angle
Transform3D rotateCube = new Transform3D();
rotateCube.set(new AxisAngle4d(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, Math.PI /4.0));
//create a transform Group for the container
TransformGroup tg1 = new TransformGroup(rotateCube);
//create a box: container
Box container = new Box ( (float) length , (float) breadth, (float)height, app);
//add the container to the first transform group
//add the first transform group to the branch group
Frame frame = new MainFrame(this,800, 800);
and with every new item added I make another BranchGroup scene
and add it to the global BranchGroup scene1
as follows:
TransformGroup tg2 = new TransformGroup ();
//set the appearance of the product boxes (transparent)
Appearance app = new Appearance();
app.setTransparencyAttributes(new TransparencyAttributes(TransparencyAttributes.BLENDED,0.2f));
//create a box having length = l, breadth = b and height = h
Box box = new Box( (float )item[p].getLength(), (float) item[p].getBreadth(), (float) item[p].getHeight(), app);
// vector to translate the item box to the position (x, y, z)
Vector3f position = new Vector3f((float) x, (float) y, (float) z);
//creation of a 3D transform group
Transform3D transform = new Transform3D();
//add new item box to the transform group
BranchGroup scene = new BranchGroup();
Now, I get both ,container and packed items, in the frame.