A method call in Poppler returns a GDate
object in my Python code. I cannot find a way how to nicely print this object.
Following the Python GI API Reference, I came up with the following:
gdate_object = annot_mapping.annot.get_date()
destination_buffer = '.' * 50
print('Output:', GLib.Date.strftime(destination_buffer, 50, '%c', gdate_object))
print('Buffer:', annot_time)
However, this places nothing in the buffer, while it does output the written buffer size.
How do I get access to the destination buffer?
Looks like nobody documented that API so it will be broken for introspection bindings.
I made a simple patch but it seems pygobject doesn't like allocating string buffers, I will talk with upstream about it.
diff --git a/glib/gdate.c b/glib/gdate.c
index bea2448..bacdb93 100644
--- a/glib/gdate.c
+++ b/glib/gdate.c
@@ -2418,8 +2418,8 @@ win32_strftime_helper (const GDate *d,
* g_date_strftime:
- * @s: destination buffer
- * @slen: buffer size
+ * @s: (out caller-allocates) (array length=slen): destination buffer
+ * @slen: (in): buffer size
* @format: format string
* @date: valid #GDate