I wrote a code for performing test for the listview (i.e., we can check the position of the item in listview, display toast messame when we click on item in list). i want to move to another activity when we click on list item in android.
public class MainActivityTest {
public ActivityTestRule<MainActivity> main = new ActivityTestRule<MainActivity>(MainActivity.class) {
protected void beforeActivityLaunched() {
protected void afterActivityFinished() {
here i write a test for counting the nomber of items in list
public void testShouldLaunchTheMainActivityAndFindItemsInTheList() throws Exception {
ListView listview = (ListView) main.getActivity().findViewById(R.id.PhoneVideoList);
assertThat((int) listview.getCount(), is(61));
here i write a test for performing on click in list item
public void testShouldTestTheItemNameInTheList() throws Exception {
ListView listview = (ListView) main.getActivity().findViewById(R.id.PhoneVideoList);
listview.performItemClick(listview.getChildAt(1), 1, listview.getAdapter().getItemId(1));
listview.performItemClick(listview.getChildAt(4), 4, listview.getAdapter().getItemId(4));
listview.performItemClick(listview.getChildAt(10), 10, listview.getAdapter().getItemId(10));
public void testShouldShowTheItemDetailWhenAnItemIsClicked() {
Instrumentation instrumentation = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation();
final ListView listview = (ListView) main.getActivity().findViewById(R.id.PhoneVideoList);
instrumentation.runOnMainSync(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int position = 0;
listview.performItemClick(listview.getChildAt(position), position, listview.getAdapter().getItemId(position));
Log.e("in on click", "on click");
Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor monitor = instrumentation.addMonitor(VideoPlay.class.getName(), null, false);
Activity itemDetailActivity = instrumentation.waitForMonitorWithTimeout(monitor, 5000);
/* TextView detailView = (TextView) itemDetailActivity.findViewById(R.id.item_detail);
assertThat(detailView.getText().toString(), is("Android"));*/
now i want to know how to move to next activity when we click on list item
Using robotium:
1. Add following dependencies in app gradle:
testCompile 'junit:junit:
androidTestCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
androidTestCompile 'com.jayway.android.robotium:robotium:5.4.+'
2. Add click listener to the list item which starts new activity 3. Add following test
public class ListViewClickTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<YourActivity> {
protected final CountDownLatch signal = new CountDownLatch (1);
protected Context context;
protected Activity activity;
protected Solo solo;
public ListViewClickTest () {
super (YourActivity.class);
public void testListViewClick () {
waitForTime (4); //time to wait till your network request completes if data is being fetched from server, ignore otherwise
solo.clickInList (0); //position of list view item
waitForTime (50);
protected void setUp () throws Exception {
super.setUp ();
this.context = getInstrumentation ().getTargetContext ();
prepareTestData ();
activity = getActivity ();
solo = new Solo (getInstrumentation (), activity);
protected void waitForTime (long seconds) {
try {
signal.await (seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
catch (InterruptedException e) {
e.printStackTrace ();
protected void prepareTestData () {
//Prepare test data if any