I want to get all of this information (including non-windows updates) in any text format... Please share if you have any way to fetch these infos. For more details please see attached image...
To get all the updates (installed via Windows Update only, even for 3rd party) and then export the result to a text file, you can use below script:
$session = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID(“Microsoft.Update.Session”,$ComputerName))
$us = $session.CreateUpdateSearcher()
$qtd = $us.GetTotalHistoryCount()
$hot = $us.QueryHistory(0, $qtd)
# Output object
$OutPut = @()
#Iterating and finding updates
foreach ($Upd in $hot) {
# 1 means in progress and 2 means succeeded
if ($Upd.operation -eq 1 -and $Upd.resultcode -eq 2) {
$OutPut += New-Object -Type PSObject -Prop @{
#Writing updates to a text file
$OutPut | Out-File -FilePath "C:\output.txt" -Append
Older Response:
Instead of creating your own script you can use this wonderful script from Technet: PowerShell script to list all installed Microsoft Windows Updates
As you want the output in text format, I have updated the script from that article to generate output for all the installed updates in a text file. Everything is configurable. Check the complete script below. The last line is where I am invoking the reusable method and generating the output into a text file. You can change the path to this text file as per your environment.
Function Get-MSHotfix
$outputs = Invoke-Expression "wmic qfe list"
$outputs = $outputs[1..($outputs.length)]
foreach ($output in $Outputs) {
if ($output) {
$output = $output -replace 'y U','y-U'
$output = $output -replace 'NT A','NT-A'
$output = $output -replace '\s+',' '
$parts = $output -split ' '
if ($parts[5] -like "*/*/*") {
$Dateis = [datetime]::ParseExact($parts[5], '%M/%d/yyyy',[Globalization.cultureinfo]::GetCultureInfo("en-US").DateTimeFormat)
} elseif (($parts[5] -eq $null) -or ($parts[5] -eq ''))
$Dateis = [datetime]1700
else {
$Dateis = get-date([DateTime][Convert]::ToInt64("$parts[5]", 16))-Format '%M/%d/yyyy'
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
KBArticle = [string]$parts[0]
Computername = [string]$parts[1]
Description = [string]$parts[2]
FixComments = [string]$parts[6]
HotFixID = [string]$parts[3]
InstalledOn = Get-Date($Dateis)-format "dddd d MMMM yyyy"
InstalledBy = [string]$parts[4]
InstallDate = [string]$parts[7]
Name = [string]$parts[8]
ServicePackInEffect = [string]$parts[9]
Status = [string]$parts[10]
Get-MSHotfix|Select-Object -Property Computername, KBArticle,InstalledOn, HotFixID, InstalledBy|Format-Table | Out-File -FilePath "D:\output.txt"