I am fairly new to R and I am trying to understand the %>%
operator and the usage of the " .
" (dot) placeholder. As a simple example the following code works
ensure_data.frame <- ensures_that(is.data.frame(.))
data.frame(x = 5) %>% ensure_data.frame
However the following code fails
ensure_data.frame <- ensures_that(. %>% is.data.frame)
data.frame(x = 5) %>% ensure_data.frame
where I am now piping the placeholder into the is.data.frame method.
I am guessing that it is my understanding of the limitations/interpretation of the dot placeholder that is lagging, but can anyone clarify this?
The "problem" is that magrittr has a short-hand notation for anonymous functions:
. %>% is.data.frame
is roughly the same as
function(.) is.data.frame(.)
In other words, when the dot is the (left-most) left-hand side, the pipe has special behaviour.
You can escape the behaviour in a few ways, e.g.
(.) %>% is.data.frame
or any other way where the LHS is not identical to .
In this particular example, this may seem as undesirable behaviuour, but commonly in examples like this there's really no need to pipe the first expression, so is.data.frame(.)
is as expressive as . %>% is.data.frame
, and
examples like
data %>%
some_action %>%
lapply(. %>% some_other_action %>% final_action)
can be argued to be clearner than
data %>%
some_action %>%
lapply(function(.) final_action(some_other_action(.)))