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sbt doc error with Antler generated source code

I have ANTLR to generate parser/lexer code in "./gen" directory. With sbt, everything works fine; no issue with compile and test.

However, when I executed doc to invoke scaladoc, I have error messages saying that it cannot find the object that ANTLR generated.

> doc
[info] Main Scala API documentation to /Users/smcho/github/ChitchatCompilerScala/doc/api...
[error] /Users/smcho/github/ChitchatCompilerScala/src/main/scala/node/NodeGenerator.scala:6: not found: object parser
[error] import parser.{ChitchatLexer, ChitchatParser}
[error]        ^

What might be wrong?


  • I had to teach sbt about the new source directory.

    unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile += baseDirectory.value / "extra-src"

    Hint from