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DiracDelta not giving correct result

I have to use dirac delta in a complicated integral and was hoping to see how it works with a simple case but it returns the wrong answer. Any clue what I did wrong in the following?

from sympy import DiracDelta
from scipy import integrate

def f(x):
     return x*DiracDelta(x-1)

b, err = integrate.quad(f, 0, 5)    
print b

This returns 0.0 while it shouldn't.


  • It seems sympy functions are not compatible with scipy integrate. One needs to use sympy integrate. The following gives the correct answer

    from sympy import *
    x = Symbol('x')
    print integrate(x*DiracDelta(x-1), (x, 0, 5.0))    

    Although, I am not sure if sympy.integrate is as powerful and versatile as scipy.integrate.