I have irregular time series data frame with time
(seconds) and value
columns. I want to add another column, value_2
where values are lead by delay
seconds. So value_2
at time t
equals to value
at time t + delay
or right after that.
ts_with_delayed_value <- add_delayed_value(ts, "value", 2, "time")
> ts_with_delayed_value
time value value_2
1 1 1 3
2 2 2 4
3 3 3 4
4 5 4 5
5 8 5 6
6 10 6 8
7 11 7 8
8 15 8 9
9 20 9 10
10 23 10 10
I have my own version of this function add_delayed_value
, here it is:
add_delayed_value <- function(data, colname, delay, colname_time) {
colname_delayed <- paste(colname, sprintf("%d", delay), sep="_")
data[colname_delayed] <- NaN
for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {
time_delayed <- data[i, colname_time] + delay
value_delayed <- data[data[colname_time] >= time_delayed, colname][1]
if (is.na(value_delayed)) {
value_delayed <- data[i, colname]
data[i, colname_delayed] <- value_delayed
Is there a way to vectorize this routine to avoid the slow loop?
I'm quite new to R, so this code probably has lots of issues. What can be improved about it?
You could try:
na.locf(ts$value[sapply(ts$time, function(x) min(which(ts$time - x >=2 )))])
[1] 3 4 4 5 6 8 8 9 10 10