Trying to get started with API testing using rest client in ruby, however, hitting issue after issue, any how hopefully someone will be able to help.
I am using RVM ruby-2.0.0-p648
I have rest_client External Lib files, however, when I try to run my script I get the message: WARNING: The rest_client gem is deprecated and will be removed from RubyGems. Please use rest-client gem instead.
Process finished with exit code 0
So in my require I changed to rest-client and installed: gem install rest-client, however it is not showing in my external Libraries?
Anyone hit this issue before with a solution?
Also using rubymine.
Looks like you figured this out, but just to be clear...
You want to update the Gemfile
gem 'rest_client'
gem 'rest-client'
and then run bundle install