I am new to Visual Studio Team Services and trying to apply release management. In my scenario, i have my local machine "A" which has Visual Studio 2015 installed and Connected to VSTS.
I am going to check in code changes from this machine and use it as an agent that will get new releases from release management (installed the agent service on it)
I have created this agent under new pool MyMachine and downloaded it to machine A, and the service is running.
I created the release definition (with 2 environments, no tasks) and bind it to Build definition. The Build definition uses Visual Studio as a template:
and MyMachine as Default agent Queue :
I commit new changes from Machine A, new builds were add to VSTS but it gives the following error( i change MyMachine pool to Hosted, the error persists)
You have to restore the nuget packages on the hosted build agent.
You can add a Nuget restore step before Visual Studio step: