I'm building a Netbeans platform maven application but it seams that the repository that hosts Netbeans modules is down or something.
I'm getting this error when I try to build the project.
Apr 04, 2016 10:22:37 AM org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.http.httpclient.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient tryExecute
INFO: I/O exception (java.net.SocketException) caught when processing request: Connection reset
Apr 04, 2016 10:22:37 AM org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.http.httpclient.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient tryExecute
INFO: Retrying request
as for today 20/04/2016 it shows this error
An error occurred.
Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable. Please try again later.
If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check the error log for details.
Faithfully yours, nginx.
I can confirm it has been down for the past few days as well. However, I've been using http://repo.spring.io/libs-release-remote/ as it has the netbeans-platform
artifacts that I need.