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Set CRM Lookup Values with WebAPI

Who had done CRM Web API calls to update CRM entities with Lookup values from another Entity.

I'm trying to set a Lookup Value to another Entity within CRM using WebAPI, CRM 2016. It works if I disable the Lookup value but once I enable the Lookup value, I receive Bad Request.

Below is my code in LinqPad so it does work.

void Main()
using(var webClient = new WebClient()){
    webClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("Username", "Password", "Domain");
    webClient.Headers.Add("OData-MaxVersion", "4.0");
    webClient.Headers.Add("OData-Version", "4.0");
    webClient.Headers.Add("accept", "application/json");
    webClient.Headers.Add("Prefer", "odata.include-annotations=*");         

    webClient.BaseAddress = "";

    var JO = new JObject();
    JO.Add("col_name","My Name");
    var dataString = JO.ToString();

    var responseString = webClient.UploadString("col_advisors", "POST", dataString);



  • I got it to work. The fields really have to be unique as it is case sensitive. Comments here and also this blog, really helped.

    Step 1 : Goto Cutomization  Developer Resource.

    Step 2 : Click to “Download Odata Metadata” link and Download the same.

    Step 3 : Once Download, open it and find out name of lookup attribute ( i.e. new_qualifiedleadid) and check its casing.

    Step 4 : Verify it with the value which you are setting in the code it should be same.

    While my column was col_contactid, CRM renames the Navigational Column to be what was above col_ContactId.

    I also used Postman(google chrome) plugin and added the following Header to my Post.

    webClient.Headers.Add("Prefer", "odata.include-annotations=*");