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Show GMSPolyline Title On Tap

I'm using Google Maps SDK for an iOS application of mine.

I configured it so that when a tap occurs on a GMSMarker, it shows it's title. It's working alright.

I want to do the same for GMSPolylines but couldn't figure out how. The lines's tappable property is set to true.

How can I achieve this. Thanks.

P.S. coding with Swift 2.0


  • Conform to the protocol GMSMapViewDelegate:

    class ViewController: UIViewController, GMSMapViewDelegate {

    Set the ViewController to be the delegate of your map view:

    override func viewDidLoad() {
      viewMap.delegate = self

    Use the method mapView:didTapOverlay:

    func mapView(mapView: GMSMapView, didTapOverlay overlay: GMSOverlay) {

    This method is called whenever a tap is detected inside the map view.

    For more information: GMSOverlay