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Change Selected Image Bug In Swift

I have a Button and want to change the selected image. But after change the image of the button. There show a blue point on the button.

After Selected

Before Selected

@IBAction func VideoShowBtn(sender: AnyObject) {

    if VideoShowOutlet.selected {
        playerVideo.hidden = false
        VideoShowOutlet.selected = !VideoShowOutlet.selected
    } else {
        playerVideo.hidden = true
        VideoShowOutlet.selected = !VideoShowOutlet.selected

But with the same code. Some button won't shows the blue point.

@IBAction func ShareContentShowBtn(sender: AnyObject) {

    if ShareContentShowOutlet.selected {
        ShareVideoURLTF.hidden = false
        ShareVideoContentTV.hidden = false
        ShareContentShowOutlet.selected = !ShareContentShowOutlet.selected
    } else {
        ShareVideoURLTF.hidden = true
        ShareVideoContentTV.hidden = true
        ShareContentShowOutlet.selected = !ShareContentShowOutlet.selected


Can anyone tell me why and how to fix it? Thanks!


  • Fastest way to solve it: Set tintColor to clearColor, on StoryBoard: enter image description here

    Or programmatically:

    VideoShowOutlet.tintColor = UIColor.clearColor()