While trying to provide a full working (debugged) example for this question, I cannot understand the assembled code. I am a bit rusty with the good old DOS + TASM combination.
This is my asm code (print.asm
string DB 'Something'
len equ $-string
mov ax, @data ;make DS point to our DATA segment
mov ds, ax
xor bx, bx
mov si, offset string
mov al, byte[si + bx]
mov ah, 2
mov dl, al
int 21h
inc bx
cmp bx, len
jnz Char
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
END Entry
I assemble with
tasm print.asm
tlink print.obj
resulting in the 16bit executable print.exe
When testing, i am surprised to see that the program outputs
When I look at the assembled object, I can see:
_TEXT:0000 start:
_TEXT:0000 mov ax, seg DGROUP
_TEXT:0003 mov ds, ax
_TEXT:0005 xor bx, bx
_TEXT:0007 mov si, offset unk_10030
_TEXT:000A loc_1001A: ; CODE XREF: _TEXT:0017j
_TEXT:000A mov al, [bx+si+1] ; <== I do not understand the '+1'
_TEXT:000D mov ah, 2
_TEXT:000F mov dl, al
_TEXT:0011 int 21h ; DOS - DISPLAY OUTPUT
_TEXT:0011 ; DL = character to send to standard output
_TEXT:0013 inc bx
_TEXT:0014 cmp bx, 9
_TEXT:0017 jnz short loc_1001A
_TEXT:0019 mov ax, 4C00h
_TEXT:001C int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - QUIT WITH EXIT CODE (EXIT)
_TEXT:001C ; AL = exit code
and I am puzzled with the generated mov al, [bx+si+1]
from my mov al, byte[si + bx]
that points 1 byte from the begining of the string.
byte[si + bx]
is NASM syntax. In TASM syntax that's equivalent to [si + bx + byte]
, which is equal to [si + bx + 1]
In the TASM manual in the section "Expressions" you've got a table named "Standard symbol values" where you can see that the symbol "BYTE" corresponds to the value 1.
What you want is byte ptr [si + bx]
. Or you can simply use [si + bx]
in this case since there's no ambiguity (because the size of al
is known to the assembler).