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Remove letters from a cell leaving numbers only

I am trying to remove all letters from a cell and leave the numbers remaining. I have found bits of code and other questions on here but none are making much sense to me.

I have in cell E23 "as12df34" and want the value of Cell E23 to read "12 34"

Can anyone help with this query please?


  • You could use a regular expression:

    Sub UsageExample()
      Dim cl
      ' iterate each cell
      For Each cl in Range("Sheet1!A1:A100")
        ' replace each non digit sequence by a space
        cl.Value = ReplaceRe(cl.Value, "\D+", " ")
    End Sub
    Public Function ReplaceRe(text As String, pattern As String, replacement) As String
      Static re As Object
      If re Is Nothing Then
        Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
        re.Global = True
      End If
      re.pattern = pattern
      ReplaceRe = re.Replace(text, replacement)
    End Function