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Howto reference a LESS file without actually importing/overriding variables

I am trying to reuse some desktop modules for a mobile version of my webpage. All module.less references variables.less - mostly for the IDE (PhpStorm), but also for having the dependencies at a glance, which I really like.

Up to now I thought this LESS rule is really referencing - actually it is not like that. The files get really included (once) but without outputting (see LESS docs). As a result my mobile variables get overridden.

├ desktop/
│  ├ modules/
│  │  └ foobar.less
│  │      > @import (reference) "../variables.less"
│  ├ main.less
│  │   > @import "variables.less"
│  │   > @import "modules.less"
│  ├ modules.less
│  │   > @import "modules/foobar.less"
│  └ variables.less
│      > @bundle: 'desktop'
└ mobile/  
   ├ main.less
   │   > @import "variables.less"
   │   > @import "modules.less"
   ├ modules.less
   │   > @import "../desktop/modules/foobar.less"
   └ variables.less
       > @bundle: 'mobile'

After compiling the mobile mobile/main.less the result is @bundle equals 'desktop'.

Is there a possibility to only "reference" the variables.less? Any other suggestions are welcome.


  • Finally I came up with a very easy solution:

    Simply import desktop/variables.less at the beginning of mobile/variables.less. This works because the default LESS behavior is import once. Since it is already imported before all modules, the desktop module's @import rule won't cause (re-)importing - therefore won't overwrite any variables:

    ├ desktop/
    │  ├ modules/
    │  │  └ foobar.less
    │  │      > @import (reference) "../variables.less"
    │  ├ main.less
    │  │   > @import "variables.less"
    │  │   > @import "modules.less"
    │  ├ modules.less
    │  │   > @import "modules/foobar.less"
    │  └ variables.less
    │      > @bundle: 'desktop'
    └ mobile/  
       ├ main.less
       │   > @import "variables.less"
       │   > @import "modules.less"
       ├ modules.less
       │   > @import "../desktop/modules/foobar.less"
       └ variables.less
           > @import (reference) "../desktop/variables.less"
           > @bundle: 'mobile'