I implemented Einstein Riddle in Prolog and I'm trying to find out who had a fish at home.
I can't find fault in this code and trace option is not helping with this problem ;)
Here is my code:
on_the_left(X, Y, N) :-
Y is X - 1,
\+ Y < 1,
\+ X > N.
next_to(X, Y, N) :-
( Y is X + 1;
Y is X - 1),
\+ X > N,
\+ Y > N,
\+ X < 1,
\+ Y < 1.
fish(Who) :-
Houses = [
house(1, _Color1, _From1, _Animal1, _Drink1, _Smoke1),
house(2, _Color2, _From2, _Animal2, _Drink2, _Smoke2),
house(3, _Color3, _From3, _Animal3, _Drink3, _Smoke3),
house(4, _Color4, _From4, _Animal4, _Drink4, _Smoke4),
house(5, _Color5, _From5, _Animal5, _Drink5, _Smoke5) ],
N is 5,
%-- hint 1
member(house(1, _, norway, _, _, _), Houses),
%-- hint 2
member(house(_, red, england, _, _, _), Houses),
%-- hint 3 - on_the_left
member(house(GREEN, green, _, _, _, _), Houses),
member(house(WHITE, white, _, _, _, _), Houses),
on_the_left(GREEN, WHITE, N),
%-- hint 4
member(house(_, _, denmark, _, tea, _), Houses),
%-- hint 5 - next_to
member(house(LIGHT, _, _, _, _, light), Houses),
member(house(CAT, _, _, cat, _, light), Houses),
next_to(LIGHT, CAT, N),
%-- hint 6
member(house(_, yellow, _, _, _, cigar), Houses),
%-- hint 7
member(house(_, _, germany, _, _, waterpipe), Houses),
%-- hint 8
member(house(3, _, _, _, milk, _), Houses),
%-- hint 9 - next_to
member(house(WATER, _, _, _, water, _), Houses),
next_to(LIGHT, WATER, N),
%-- hint 10
member(house(_, _, _, bird, _, nofilter), Houses),
%-- hint 11
member(house(_, _, sweden, dog, _, _), Houses),
%-- hint 12 - next_to
member(house(NORWAY, _, norway, _, _, _), Houses),
member(house(BLUE, blue, _, _, _, _), Houses),
next_to(NORWAY, BLUE, N),
%-- hint 13 - next_to
member(house(HORSE, _, _, horse, _, _), Houses),
next_to(HORSE, GREEN, N),
%-- hint 14
member(house(_, _, _, _, beer, menthol), Houses),
%-- hint 15
member(house(_, green, _, _, coffee, _), Houses),
member(house(_, _, _, fish, _, _), Houses),
member(house(_, _, Who, fish, _, _), Houses).
I tried a lot of combination but:
?- fish(Who).
Code is working now, what i changed:
1* From:
%-- hint 5 - next_to
member(house(LIGHT, _, _, _, _, light), Houses),
member(house(CAT, _, _, cat, _, light), Houses),
%-- hint 5 - next_to
member(house(LIGHT, _, _, _, _, light), Houses),
member(house(CAT, _, _, cat, _, _), Houses),
2* From:
%-- hint 13 - next_to
member(house(HORSE, _, _, horse, _, _), Houses),
next_to(HORSE, GREEN, N),
%-- hint 13 - next_to
member(house(YELLOW, yellow, _, _, _, _), Houses),
member(house(HORSE, _, _, horse, _, _), Houses),
next_to(HORSE, YELLOW, N),
If you are reading this look at @Enigmativity comment about structures in helper predicates aswell.
You had two errors in your clues - the first you fixed already with the light
smoker. The second is that the horse
owner lives next to the yellow
house, not the green
Now, my prolog choked on the \+
operator so I recoded your helper predicates. This is what I did:
first(H,[H|_]). on_the_left(X,Y,[X,Y|_]). on_the_left(X,Y,[_|Hs]) :- on_the_left(X,Y,Hs). next_to(X,Y,[X,Y|_]). next_to(X,Y,[Y,X|_]). next_to(X,Y,[_|Hs]) :- next_to(X,Y,Hs). middle(X,[_,_,X,_,_]).
Now the puzzle worked nicely with these clues:
fish(Who) :- Houses = [ house(_Color1, _From1, _Animal1, _Drink1, _Smoke1), house(_Color2, _From2, _Animal2, _Drink2, _Smoke2), house(_Color3, _From3, _Animal3, _Drink3, _Smoke3), house(_Color4, _From4, _Animal4, _Drink4, _Smoke4), house(_Color5, _From5, _Animal5, _Drink5, _Smoke5) ], first(house(_, norway, _, _, _), Houses), %-- hint 1 member(house(red, england, _, _, _), Houses), %-- hint 2 on_the_left(house(green, _, _, _, _), house(white, _, _, _, _), Houses), %-- hint 3 - on_the_left member(house(_, denmark, _, tea, _), Houses), %-- hint 4 next_to(house(_, _, _, _, light), house( _, _, cat, _, _), Houses), %-- hint 5 - next_to member(house(yellow, _, _, _, cigar), Houses), %-- hint 6 member(house(_, germany, _, _, waterpipe), Houses), %-- hint 7 middle(house(_, _, _, milk, _), Houses), %-- hint 8 next_to(house(_, _, _, _, light), house(_, _, _, water, _), Houses), %-- hint 9 - next_to member(house(_, _, bird, _, nofilter), Houses), %-- hint 10 member(house(_, sweden, dog, _, _), Houses), %-- hint 11 next_to(house(_, norway, _, _, _), house(blue, _, _, _, _), Houses), %-- hint 12 - next_to next_to(house(_, _, horse, _, _), house(yellow, _, _, _, _), Houses), %-- hint 13 - next_to member(house(_, _, _, beer, menthol), Houses), %-- hint 14 member(house(green, _, _, coffee, _), Houses), %-- hint 15 member(house(_, Who, fish, _, _), Houses), write(Houses), nl.
I got:
[house(yellow, norway, cat, water, cigar), house(blue, denmark, horse, tea, light), house(red, england, bird, milk, nofilter), house(green, germany, fish, coffee, waterpipe), house(white, sweden, dog, beer, menthol)] germany