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Format month name of <rich:calendar> as MMM instead of MMMM

Sample Rich Calender

How can I change the <rich:calender> displayed month from "April" to 3 characters "Apr"?


  • That is not supported, if you want to change it you'll need to overwrite the JavaScript method that creates the element, something like this:

    var calendar = #{rich:component('calendar')};
    var fn = calendar.calendarContext.currentMonthControl;
    calendar.calendarContext.currentMonthControl = function(context) {
        var newDate = RichFaces.calendarUtils.formatDate(context.calendar.getCurrentDate(), "MMM, yyyy", context.monthLabels, context.monthLabelsShort);
        var markup = fn(context);
        markup.childs[0].value = newDate;
        return markup;

    Of course, you'll have to make sure that when the calendar is rerendered this code is rerendered as well.

    Most of the calendar code is created on the client side. (Note: this is internal stuff, you're not expected to know how this works).

    calendar.calendarContext.currentMonthControl is responsible for creating the label, it returns this object:

            /* event listeners, unimportant */
            [{"value":"April, 2016"}]

    What you do is replace the original method with a new that modifies this object. RichFaces.calendarUtils.formatDate is called in the original function with the pattern "MMMM, yyyy" so we call it with a different pattern, then call the original function, replace the text, and return the modified object.