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VBA UDF ParamArray Sequence

I want to create a function that is almost exactly like SumIfs, but I'm having a hard time figuring our how to handle the ParamArray portion. I'm looking for a solution that allows the same Range1,Criteria1,Range2,Criteria2,...,Rangen,Criterian as the sum ifs but in my "SumIfsContains" function. I've attached the code for the singular case, "SumIfContains" so you can see my starting point:

Function SumIfContains(PhraseRange As Range, Criteria As String, SumRange As Range)
Dim element As Range

ElementCount = 0
For Each element In PhraseRange
    ElementCount = ElementCount + 1
Next element

Dim SumArray: ReDim SumArray(1 To 3, 1 To ElementCount)

ElementCount = 0
For Each element In SumRange
    ElementCount = ElementCount + 1
    SumArray(2, ElementCount) = element
Next element

ElementCount = 0
For Each element In PhraseRange
    ElementCount = ElementCount + 1
    SumArray(1, ElementCount) = element
    If InString(CStr(element), Criteria) Then
        SumArray(3, ElementCount) = SumArray(2, ElementCount)
        SumArray(3, ElementCount) = 0
    End If
Next element

SumIfContains = 0
For Item = 1 To ElementCount
    SumIfContains = SumIfContains + CDbl(SumArray(3, Item))
Next Item

End Function

Before I got an answer last night I came up with a working option as follows:

Function SumIfsContains(SumRange As Range, ParamArray Criteria() As Variant)
Dim element As Range
Dim cCriteria As String
Dim PhraseRange As Range

'Exit Function
Dim PhraseRangeArray(): ReDim PhraseRangeArray(LBound(Criteria()) To (((UBound(Criteria()) + 1) / 2) - 1))
Dim CriteriaArray(): ReDim CriteriaArray(LBound(Criteria()) To (((UBound(Criteria()) + 1) / 2) - 1))

CurrentPair = 0
For i = LBound(Criteria()) To UBound(Criteria())
    If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
        PhraseRangeArray(CurrentPair) = Criteria(i)
        CriteriaArray(CurrentPair) = Criteria(i)
        CurrentPair = CurrentPair + 1
    End If
Next i

ElementCount = UBound(PhraseRangeArray(0))
Dim SumRng: ReDim SumRng(1 To ElementCount)
i = 1
For Each element In SumRange
    SumRng(i) = element
    i = i + 1
Next element
Dim SumArray: ReDim SumArray(0 To 2 + UBound(PhraseRangeArray), 1 To ElementCount)

For i = 1 To ElementCount
    SumArray(1, i) = SumRng(i)
    For RC = 2 To 2 + UBound(PhraseRangeArray)
        If InString(CStr(PhraseRangeArray(RC - 2)(i, 1)), CStr(CriteriaArray(RC - 2))) Then
            SumArray(RC, i) = 1
            SumArray(RC, i) = 0
        End If
    Next RC
    SumArray(0, i) = SumArray(1, i)
    For Mult = 2 To 2 + UBound(PhraseRangeArray)
        SumArray(0, i) = SumArray(0, i) * SumArray(Mult, i)
    Next Mult
Next i

SumIfsContains = 0
For Item = 1 To ElementCount
    SumIfsContains = SumIfsContains + CDbl(SumArray(0, Item))
Next Item

End Function

But I'm still curious how to make the Range/Criteria pair not simply be parced out of the "Criteria" array later.

enter image description here


  • You'll note that for SUMIFS, unlike SUMIF, the data range comes first. That's key to your ParamArray:

    Function SumIfContains(SumRange As Range, ParamArray criteria())
        Dim x                     As Long
        Dim n                     As Long
        Dim dTotal                As Double
        Dim bMatch                As Boolean
        ' check for criteria ranges
        For n = LBound(criteria) To UBound(criteria) Step 2
            If TypeName(criteria(n)) <> "Range" Then
                SumIfContains = CVErr(xlErrNum)
            End If
        Next n
        ' loop through each cell in sum range
        For x = 1 To SumRange.Cells.Count
            bMatch = True
            ' loop through criteria
            For n = LBound(criteria) To UBound(criteria) Step 2
                ' first item in pair is the range, second is the criterion
                If InStr(1, criteria(n).Cells(x).Value2, criteria(n + 1), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                    ' if one doesn't match, set a flag and exit the loop
                    bMatch = False
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next n
            ' only if all criteria matched is bMatch still True, and we add the sumrange cell
            If bMatch And IsNumeric(SumRange.Cells(x).Value2) Then dTotal = dTotal + SumRange.Cells(x).Value2
        Next x
        SumIfContains = dTotal
    End Function