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Fake static/singleton class/method using microsoft fakes

I have class which has private constructor and accessed through public static method ( singleton class). Not able to create singleton object of this class in fakes.

public class MyBusinessManager : BusinessManager
 private MyBusinessManager objMyBusinessManager;

 private MyBusinessManager (MyBusinessManager dvqsDataManager)
           objMyBusinessManager= dvqsDataManager;
 public static MyBusinessManager GetInstance() // out
            MyBusinessManager dvqsDataMgr = new MyBusinessManager();

            return new MyBusinessManager (dvqsDataMgr);

 public bool MyBusinessManagerMethod (int bm)
              if(bm == 0)
                 return true;

              return false;

I want to Test Following method:

public class MyService
   public bool MyServiceMethod(int serviceParam)
        MyBusinessManager dvqBusinessManager = MyBusinessManager.GetInstance(); // make fake call
        return dvqBusinessManager.MyBusinessManagerMethod(serviceParam); // make fake service call

My Test class:

public class MyService_UT
  public void TestMethod1()
      using (ShimsContext.Create())
        ShimMyBusinessManager.GetInstance = () => { return new ShimMyBusinessManager(); };
        ShimMyBusinessManager.AllInstances.MyServiceMethodInt32 = (a) =>{
                               return true;
       MyService obj = new MyService();
       Assert.IsTrue(obj.MyServiceMethod(1))// doesn't call fake method

How to call fake method in this case? Unable to create instance of fake with this code.


  • I suggest to move creation of dvqBusinessManager outside of the method.

    This way

        MyBusinessManager dvqBusinessManager = MyBusinessManager.GetInstance();
        public bool MyServiceMethod(int serviceParam)
            return dvqBusinessManager.MyBusinessManagerMethod(serviceParam); // make fake service call


        public bool MyServiceMethod(int serviceParam)
            MyBusinessManager dvqBusinessManager = MyBusinessManager.GetInstance();
            MyServiceTestableMethod(dvqBusinessManager, serviceParam);
        public bool MyServiceTestableMethod(MyBusinessManager manager, int serviceParam)
            return manager.MyBusinessManagerMethod(serviceParam);

    So you can inject a fake object to the method and test it, without calling GetInstance method.

    Or you can implement and use a factory pattern and hide the static call there.

        public interface IServiceFactory 
            MyBusinessManager GetInstance();
        public class ServiceFactory : IServiceFactory
            public MyBusinessManager GetInstance()
                return MyBusinessManager.GetInstance();
        IServiceFactory factory = new ServiceFactory();
        public bool MyServiceMethod(int serviceParam)
            MyBusinessManager dvqBusinessManager = factory.GetInstance();

    But if you still want to mock a static call without changing the code, you should use Shims like in this example